Interactive Panoramas from the Washington Cascades

Mt. Daniel from Mac Peak

           What's on This Page

The table below has links to interactive panoramas from the Cascade Range in Washington State as well as some older panoramas in booklet format. Many panoramas are labeled, with thanks to John Roper for reviewing them. Naming conventions below. The place name is linked to a TopoZone map. If not otherwise noted, the panoramas cover a full 360 degrees.


The old panorama in booklets were originally intended for the Forest Service but nothing came of that so I have added them to the listings below.



The first panoramas from Cascade peaks I did were just for me. They were field guides with peak labels to compensate my poor memory. Friends at the Cle Elum Ranger District encouraged me to make a few pans for the two remaining fire lookouts in the district, and then one thing lead to another.


Who is this for?

One of my goals was to document the Cle Elum Ranger District north of I-90 from a large number of vantage points within and along the boundary of the district. Along with the labeled panoramas in .pdf format from each of these locations, I hoped these interactive panoramas would be a useful tool for the district.

           Last update: February 20, 2025



Callout lines with arrowheads indicate that the feature either is not visible because of an intervening feature, or because it is obscured by fog, cloud or haze. (Some of these arrowheads had to be removed when recompiling the oldest panoramas from the booklets.)


Quotation marks indicate unofficial names. In most cases they are taken from Jeff Howbert's Master Peak List, or from what I understand is common local usage. Unofficial names (in quotes) not on the Master Peak List, or not common local usage are what I understand to be first ascent names.


Names from USGS topographic maps, Green Trails maps, or from Fred Beckey's Cascade Alpine Guide (CAG) are used without quotation marks. In addition, names from the now out of print Teanaway Country by Mary Sutliff, published in 1980 by Signpost Books are used in a few cases, and are enclosed in quotation marks.


More recently and following Beckey I have indicated first ascent names by enclosing them in brackets following the name found on USGS topo maps.


When locations are identified only by the elevation, and the USGS 7.5 minute maps note the elevation without a 'T' (for transit) the elevation was typically enclosed by single quotation marks (e.g. '6755').  I have dropped the single quotation marks in the most recent panos. Callouts for ridges are usually placed at the high point on the ridge unless it extends to a higher feature. If a ridge has 2 or more callouts, the high point is usually so indicated.


A special thanks to John Roper for his help on naming issues with the labeled panoramas, some of which have more than 400 features identified. However, all errors are mine. I have tried to keep these conventions consistent, but there have been some revisions since the earliest panos.

Interactive Panoramas from the Washington Cascades

If the panorama is black:

The latest MS browser and perhaps others automatically convert http:// addresses to https:// addresses, a feature called ‘automatic https’. The option to disable this feature seems to have been removed (9-2024).


If the panorama is black, remove the ‘s’ from the “https://” address for the panorama as displayed in the browser address bar.  All the Panorama Studio pans  have standard http:// addresses.

TopoZone map of panorama location

Date photos taken

Panorama Studio


Panorama Studio


Labeled panos in  booklet format password if needed: “grubisa”

Alta Mtn. map

October 2006 


Alta Mtn


Bald Mtn. map

November 2006

Bald Mtn. 4851'

Bald Mtn. 4851’


Banshee Peak map

October 2005

Banshee Peak 7400'+



Bean Peak map

August 2002


Bean Peak


Bills Peak map

June 2009

Bills Peak 



Black Peak map

August 2007


Black Peak  8970'


Cadet Peak map

September 2007


Cadet Peak

Cadet Peak

Cadet peak list



Cadet peak list


Cascades from  N. Seattle Reservoir map



Cascades from  Maple Leaf Reservoir


Central Cascades from  Seattle map



Cascades from Seattle  Matt Uyttendaele pan


Chikamin Peak map

August 2005

Chikamin Peak 7000'+

Chikamin Peak 7000’+ labeled


Chikamin Peak map

August 2007



Chikamin Peak

The Cradle photo location map

August 2009


The Cradle from Sprite Lake  (100 deg.)


Crystal Mtn. map

August 2009


Crystal Mtn. Summit House


Earl Peak map

July 2008

Earl Peak 7036'

Earl Peak 7036'


Fifes Peaks map

September 2004

Fifes Peaks - NW Peak

Fifes Peaks - NW Peak


“Fish Eagle Peak” map

July 2007

"Fish Eagle Peak" 7031’



Fortune Mtn. map

June 2007

Fortune Mtn. 7382’ west view



Foss Peak map

May 2008

Foss Peak, MRNP 6534’



Hawkins Mtn.  map

June 2005


Hawkins Mtn.


Hawkins Esmeralda viewpoint  map

November 2008

Hawkins Mtn. & High Esmeralda



Iron Peak map

May 2007 

Iron Peak 6510' 



Jolly Mtn. map

January 2007


Jolly Mtn.

Jolly Mtn.

Jolly ski route viewpoint map

February 2009


View from Jolly Mtn. ski route  (130 deg.)


Kitling Peak  map

May 2008


Kitling Peak 8003’

John Morrow photos


Koppen Mtn. map

October 2007

Koppen Mtn. 6031’



Labyrinth Mtn. map


Labyrinth Mtn 6376’



Mac Peak map

July 04 & 06

Mac Peak 6859'

Mac Peak labeled

Mac Peak

Mary Peak map

June 2010

Mary Peak 6680’+



Mt. McCausland map

April 2005

Mt. McCausland 5747'

Mt. McCausland


Miller Peak  map

May 2005

Miller Peak 6402'



Mt. Aix  map

June 2006

Mt. Aix 7766'



Mt Daniel - West Summit map

October 2006

Mt. Daniel - West Summit (highest) 6960'+  

Mt. Daniel - West Summit labeled

Mt. Daniel,

Mt Rainier from Castle Mtn. map

August 2009


Mt. Rainier from Castle Mtn. trail   (97deg,)


Mt Rainier from Crystal Mtn. Summit House map

August 2009


Mt Rainier from Crystal Mtn. Summit House

(66 deg.)


Mt Roosevelt map

August 2007


Mt. Roosevelt - NE summit 5760'+

Mt. Roosevelt - NE summit

Navaho Peak  map

April 2007

Navaho Peak 7223'



“Nimbus Peak” map

July 2007

"Nimbus Peak" 6711'



“Nursery Peak” map

July 2005

"Nursery Peak" 6962'



Panther Pass map



Panther Pass (145 deg)


Pinnacle Peak  map

May 2008

Pinnacle Peak, MRNP John Morrow photos



Point 6300 map

September 2009

Point 6300 (above Park Lakes)

Point 6300 labeled


 Point 6300 map

September 2009

Point 6300 zoomed in (310 megapixels)



Point 6664 map

August 2006

Point 6664 -  Wenatchee Mtns.



Point 6708  map

September 2010


Point 6708

(S. of Sourdough Gap)


Point 7039 map

June 2003

Point 7039


Point 7039

Silvertip south peak map

October 2003


Silvertip south peak 6000’+


Sasse Ridge sunrise map

January 2008,

8 am

Sasse Ridge sunrise 5000’+



Red Mtn map

September 2005

Red Mtn. (Cle Valley)



Red Top Mtn. map

July, 2008


Red Top lookout

Red Top lookout

Road 800 map

April 2021


Road 800 (near Swauk Pass)


Scatter Basin map


Scatter Basin



Scatter benchmark map

September 2006

Scatter benchmark



Scatter Creek overview map

April 2008


Scatter Creek overview


“Sherpani Peak”  map

August 2006

"Sherpani Peak" 6720'+



Silver King Mtn. map

October 2005


Silver King Mtn.


Snoqualmie Mtn. map

July 2009


Snoqualmie Mtn.


“Solomon Mtn.”  map

July 2007

"Solomon Mtn." 7095'



South Ingalls Peak map

September 2005

South Ingalls Peak 7640'+

South Ingalls Peak 7640'+

South Ingalls Peak

Table Mtn - Lion Rock map

October 2008


Table Mtn.— Lion Rock 6359’


Teanaway Peak (“Genes Peak”)  map

May 2007  

Teanaway Peak (aka "Genes Peak")



Three Brothers SW Peak  map

May 2006

Three Brothers - SW Peak  7303'



Thorp Mtn map

Sept. 2008


Thorp Mtn. lookout  5854'

Thorp Mtn. lookout 

Tucquala Peak map

August 2005

Tucquala Peak 6821'


Tucquala Peak

West Peak map

September 2005


West Peak

French Cabin Mtn. - West Peak